'All Thing Work Together for the Good of Those Who Love God and are Called According to His Purpose'   Rom 8:28
In this artice podcasting is defined by wikipedia as online publishing of files in a way that allows for the subscription-like syndication and distrubution of files as they become available. Most posdcasts are audio in MP3 format, syndicated through RSS protocol (Wikipedia, 2005) I like Mengs explanation a better because the explanation is more understandable to me. Meng says, "the process of capturing an audio event, song, speech, or mix of sounds and then posting the digital sound object to a Web site or "blog" in a data structure called an RSS 2.0 envelope or feed)". Podcasting is considered by many educators a teaching tool that is used to assist the instructor in presenting lessons through e-learning. Podcasts allow students to learn through listening. It allows moblie learning to take place anywhere and anytime. In this type of learning environment podcasts allows for student who do not like reading to listen through the downloading of listening materials to devices such as mp3 players. Podcasts also assists in the learning process for the visually challenged student.
Many instructors in the college setting have begun to use audio recording and podcasting of live lectures to present information to students that prefer to learn with this type of teaching model. It is important however that instructors who us podcasts as a teaching tool have learning objectives built into their lessons. In the article Cebeci and Tekdal say, "the design of podcasts as learning objects should enable its effective inclusion in learning content manangement system (LCMS) in order to assemble the lessons or courses for various purposes. This will also provide personalization to meet individual learning style of each learner."
Technology has become a strong influence in classrooms across America and the world. As humans continue to evolve the learning and teaching capabilities seem to be endless. Preparing students in the classroom for a ever changing world is critical and it is important to utilize creative and effective teaching strategies for learning achievement. Certainly this article has opened my eyes to how instuctional strategies can be in the forms of many different approaches. In all things their is positive and negative, strengths and weaknesses, but more importantly is undertsnading we all learn differeently. 

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    My name is Darryl Hardwick and I teach and coach at Redwood High School in Visalia, Ca--Just finished 20 years of teaching...what a ride...Time flys when your having fun!


    June 2013
    May 2013

