'All Thing Work Together for the Good of Those Who Love God and are Called According to His Purpose'   Rom 8:28
I chose DeAnna Butler's PWP page and I thought she did a very good job of creating a PWP page that was very well organized and well thought out. I had no problems navigating through her site as each page was done with creativity and easy to understand. I liked the fact that she seems to be a person who is driven and succeeds at everything she puts her hands to. She expresses herself very well and her resume speaks alot about her past success.

I really liked the fact that she didn't try to over do it in her philsophy but was clear and to the point. Some people try to go over the top to make a good impression but really they are not the person who they claim to be. Clearly her PWP page is a professional website. I wouldnt change anything about her website because she represented herself well, was to the point, and didn't try to go over the top. If I could copy any of her website pages it would be her blog page with I enoyed reading her PWP.

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    My name is Darryl Hardwick and I teach and coach at Redwood High School in Visalia, Ca--Just finished 20 years of teaching...what a ride...Time flys when your having fun!


    June 2013
    May 2013

