'All Thing Work Together for the Good of Those Who Love God and are Called According to His Purpose'   Rom 8:28
I have never had a twitter, facebook or PWP blog site so I'm learning what blogging and microblogging is all about. I like the fact that you can make short comments and keep an updated post on what's going on in the sports world. I am an avid sports fan so I think its great many of the top athletes keep their fans connected to a small part of their lives. I like that you can send links to pictures, vidoes and highlights of sports entertainment.

I am beginning to see the benefits of microblogging in an athetic forum relevant to my own sports team that I coach. Often times players want to know what's going on regarding practice, game schedule or what others are doing. This is a great way to communicate with my players and parents as to what's going on with the team. I haven't gotten to that point yet, but it is a work in progress.
5/21/2013 11:01:39 am

I agree with you about using microblogging such as Twitter in athletics. I have never had a twitter account until now. I plan on using my Twitter for the purpose of updating my basketball team about various things such as uniform color, fundraising events, practice times, etc.
Microblogging is a very new concept to me too, so hopefully we will figure this out by the end of this course and benefit from it in our coaching roles.
What sport do you coach and where at?


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    My name is Darryl Hardwick and I teach and coach at Redwood High School in Visalia, Ca--Just finished 20 years of teaching...what a ride...Time flys when your having fun!


    June 2013
    May 2013

