'All Thing Work Together for the Good of Those Who Love God and are Called According to His Purpose'   Rom 8:28
I find it interesting that technology has evolved to the point where we are not bumbarded with simply what advertisers say and have to offer but there is an open communication between consumers about what  the provider is offering. When I was growing up there were only three tv channels and we were limited to what we could watch. Now there are hundreds of tv channels on cable and the choices have expanded to the point where people can choose what channnels they want to watch. I see web 1.0 like the three channels and web 2.0 is like the 100 hundreds of channels. Choices and options have changed and in order for the provider to convince me his product is the best he has to prove it  to me. In the field of education Web 2.0 now gives customers an option to explore as access to knowledge and information has never been greater. Online education is a 34 billion dollar industry and currently there are 3 million online students in the U.S. Studies say that 67% ofcoleges are unable to meet the demand for online courses but 75% of public higher learning institutions have online coursesin their long-term plans.


    My name is Darryl Hardwick and I teach and coach at Redwood High School in Visalia, Ca--Just finished 20 years of teaching...what a ride...Time flys when your having fun!


    June 2013
    May 2013

