'All Thing Work Together for the Good of Those Who Love God and are Called According to His Purpose'   Rom 8:28
I spent some time searching physical education apps online and I found sparkle.org a good place to find apps that addrsss many needs in physical education. Apps range from dealing with fitness: iFitness and Pocketbody....to evaluating the heart: Pocketheart...to dealing with student actions, behaviors, infractions, achievement: Teacher's Assistant-assessing student performance: Easy Assessment-training with music: Musicworkout.  
I liked the educational site Dr.Sailor recommended as they had some really good apps such asFast Food Calories to watch your calorie intake, MyPyramid USA which helps in preparation of balanced meals, ITrain download MP3 workouts for cardio-yoga-strentgh-pilates,JEFIT-strength training routines, iTreadmill-count steps,calories burned, distance.
Mobile technology allows you to use technoogy on the go. Whether your in your classroom, out on the field, at the gym or wherever you are you have immediate access to information. You don't always have time to sit down at a computer to research information, enter grades or dowload information. Mobile etchnology give you so many options. I like the diversity and availability of accessing information through the use of apps...

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    My name is Darryl Hardwick and I teach and coach at Redwood High School in Visalia, Ca--Just finished 20 years of teaching...what a ride...Time flys when your having fun!


    June 2013
    May 2013

